Car going through car?!?

This is a story that I want you to know because God doesn’t only see you in one moment of sin, or as you are living the way you are living. He looks at our whole life and what we can become. When this happened, I was not following God.

Celia, you were just born. You were in a car seat. You were buckled in the back behind the passenger. You should have been buckled in the middle. I hear that is the safest in case you get hit on the side of your vehicle, which is far more common that any other collision. Not 100%, you can google that. Anyhow, for whatever reason I was in a hurry and I was traveling west in the right lane. I was behind a few cars at a red light and there were cars behind me. We were all stopped. I was next to the right turn lane and I was frustrated at the time the red light was taking to turn green. I decided to cut over to the right turn lane and take a right on Barrington road and proceed north. All these streets and directions stuff are boring, but what happened is crazy. I cut over so quick and there was a car zooming….fast. I believe the car should’ve struck our car (my fault) directly where Celia was buckled. As I cut the wheel over and turned hard to the right, the timing was such that the car zooming down that turn lane should have struck us. And this car was going so fast it shook our car as it went by…..but there was no room for him to go around us to the right as there was a curb there. Going the speed this car was going, I know he would’ve went flying if he hit the curb.

I have no other way to say this, but it is as if the car zooming by went directly through us. It happened so quick and when it happened, I immediately could not explain it. I was immediately confused. I was completely baffled and feeling lucky lucky lucky. There was also a huge adrenalin dump and the zooming car, now in front of us, I think was just as confused as he waved half of his body out the window showing me his middle finger-

I have no other explanation. God gets the credit for this as He should ALL good. It makes me wonder how many times God has saved our lives and we never even knew it.