The Time God Spoke through my ear buds 

The title of this post couldn't be truer, but it didn’t happen the way you would assume.  God speaks to us in unique ways that is customized to the individual in order to relay His message.  This particular incident has to be prefaced with a short blurb about a past period in my life.  In a past season, there was a time when I was working in a screen print shop, printing athletic numbers on the back of jerseys.  Every style jersey, every sport, and every style number- you name it.  I was the numbering guy.  This job was very repetitious and God used this period of my life to change me.  It was during this time I surrendered to God's leadership.  Everything was changing, for the better...God was working.  I was so thirsty to know God better, to learn more about him that during my 8-10 hour work day, I would literally have my ear buds in my ears, plugged into my iPhone, the ENTIRE day.  (Now, re-reading this story, tech has changed and now wired ear buds aren’t even a thing.  Think of air pods with a wire) This was acceptable in my workplace and there was minimal socializing amongst the co-workers.  I was turned on to podcasting after looking for some Christian preaching.  I stumbled on one of my spiritual mentors now (which in itself is a miracle, as I could've came across anything).  Lance Hahn from Bridge way Church out of Rocklin CA.  I still hold the very first podcast near and dear to my heart as it was the beginning of something completely beautiful that continues to change my life, lift my spirits and hear from God.  It was episode 17 from a series being done about the book of Isaiah.  This is how I fell in love with expository teaching of the Bible and it was exactly the message God wanted to speak into my life.  I became hooked and my entire work day rotated between listening to Pastor Lance, various Christian apologists, worship music and a few other teachers and pastors.  At lunch I would read the Bible in my car and there was constant prayer throughout the whole day.  It was like a honeymoon period with God.  Complete saturation.  This went on for near a year.  I now see that God had this in mind for that particular season of my life when I was in complete need while in the midst of a very long spiritual battle- a whole story in itself.  So needless to say, earphones and ear buds became a very large part of my life and my earholes seemed empty without them.  I would go through so many pairs and was constantly buying more as the wire would often snag and rip from the machinery I was working with.  Naturally, the things and objects we use the most need to be replaced at a faster rate- so I was ALWAYS going through ear buds.  I had my favorite pairs and would be devastated when they broke or malfunctioned.  This is the context you need to be in to really understand what God did for me. So here we go~

Somehow, some way I believe the enemy planted a thought that I pondered, and it became something that I considered.  Something that affected me and changed my listening habits.  One day, all of the sudden, there became a thought that perhaps I was listening to waaay to much ministry and teaching.  "Was I getting burnt out?  Do I not care as much?  Why would I think such a thing?"   I came up with the conclusion that perhaps one message was enough and that I should really take my time on that one message and let it sink in.  "Too much may not be a good thing.  I probably wasn't absorbing it" (despite the heavy fruit that God was growing in me at the time).  This always bothered me a bit and I prayed about it.  In fact, I even wrote Pastor Lance about this bothersome thought.  After emailing Pastor Lance, I was aware that he simply cannot email back the next day, due to the amount of email he receives.  But I knew that he does, in fact, get back to everyone.  About three months later I pulled up to my restaurant and was parked in the back (I own a small restaurant with my brothers.  I ALSO had a job screen printing).  My phone beeped notifying me I received an email.  Now, three months ago was a long time.  Nonetheless, I was super excited to read his response.  Without going into detail, his awesome response to my email did not contain the answer that I was looking for.  In fact, I kind of asked the question in a sly way, as a statement toward the end of my original email to him.  It was more of a statement rather than a direct question about perhaps listening to too much ministry.  I wrote it hoping he would address it and answer the question in my mind.  I re-read it a few times and sighed, kind of disappointed.  Oh well.  I walk into the restaurant and greet the staff and hang up my coat.  Hear it is~  I walked out into the dining area and lo and behold.....Our very best customer (who worked for an electronics company) walks up to me and hands me a bag full of ear buds.  FULL.  Like over 80 pairs full.  These earbuds were an old model and they were no longer in need of this model ear bud!  I showed such great appreciation that he went to his table and got another bag, just as full, and hands me those ear buds as well.  God spoke to me, answered me and I knew.  This story, this experience amazes me.